Monday, August 31, 2009

Interesting statistic on the health care reform bill...

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, most voters think they understand the health care reform legislation proposed by President Obama better than Congress does-- and about as well as the president himself. The national telephone survey finds that just 11% of voters say Congress understands the health care bill better than they do. Additionally, 30% of voters believe they understand the bill better than the president does. 

Click here for the full article,


  1. Today, I heard on the radio -- what appeared to be -- a local Public Service Announcement. The PSA defines within it aspects of Healthcare Reform -- based on the group's perspective. It then says to call your senator. It compares Healthcare Reform to a leaky roof and says you wouldn't demolish a house for a leaky roof.

  2. I know a couple other people have noted this today... I think the posts for support of healthcare on facebook is very interesting. Below is an example of the status message.
    believes No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick. If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day.39 seconds ago ·

  3. Facebook has some interesting applications in regards to political activism including linking communities of people to information about issues and providing an easy way to contact legislators via email in the same "write a letter to your representative" sense.

    Beyond the same congregation of information and dedication of statuses, I've heard of people staging a Twitter attack- at a set time and date, they try to get people to post some message @Obama (insert legislator). The effect is to have so many people message that it shuts down Twitter and gets massive publicity for the issue.

    I think as people further learn social media, there will be more interesting applications toward political activism.
